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HSE risk assessment plan...

The HSE risk assessment plan

Who are the Health and Safety Executive's?
The HSE is the UK's leading regulator of health and safety, risk assessment and contingency plan(s)...

They are a government agency which ensure the welfare and health of each personnel within the workplace and/or work environment of any person - and the strength of the business and its operations.
Legal documents include;

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, which states that you must...
  • The staff must comply with the companies' set health and safety procedures
  • The company must set specific health and safety measures in order to ensure the well being of the staff
  • In order to manage and minimize the danger hazards, the company must enforce the rules as much as possible

Regulatory codes
The codes apply to anyone, but there are specialized codes for both workplaces as well as the self-employed businesses
Will privacy regulation be good or bad for business?
The HSE are responsible for regulating the safety of all the working population within the UK territories
